Welcome to the tax law website of James Creech.
In 2008 I started practicing tax law because I realized there was a serious need to help everyday people understand the everchanging complexities of taxes.
Working with the IRS can be really stressful and my goal has always been to help clients understand their options, best outcomes and minimize stress.
Today I've worked with hundreds of clients across the country. I've helped people save money and avoid paying thousands in fines and fees.
I am fortunate enough to be considered an expert in my field and am often asked to speak in front of other attorneys on the subject of taxes and the IRS.
My promise to you
I won't waste your time
I'm going to be honest with you and tell you what your options are. If I don't think I'm the right fit for you, or there is a better alternative, I'll let you know.
I won't waste your money
I don't work with clients just to get paid. I work with clients where I think I can really offer value. My goal is to save you money that far exceeds the fees I charge.
I will be responsive
I believe in constant communication. You should never be wondering what is going on with your case. If you ever want an update, just give me a call.
I will speak your language
Taxes are complicated. We all know that. It is important to me that you really understand what we are doing together and where we are going. If you ever need more clarification... just ask.
Copyright 2018 | All Rights Reserved | Phone: 312-469-0883
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